We are committed to empowering more individuals through quality education

Purpose, Vision and Values

Our Purpose

To empower the nation by widening access to higher education.

Our Vision

To be a leading higher education provider, offering qualifications aligned with the needs of societies, students, and the world of work.


The Group stands firmly on its key focus areas of “WWS” – Widening Access; World of Work and Student Centeredness. These are words that the Group lives by and form the basis of all our decisions and planning.

Widening Access

Making higher education available to more individuals.

World Of Work

Our academic strategies are focused on ensuring relevance and alignment with industry.

Student Centredness

The academic promise approved by the board is built on the principles of students at the centre – learning at the core

These focus areas are what the Group lives by and they inform the basis of all our decisions and planning.

We believe that having admitted you as a student, we must do all things reasonable and practical to support you to succeed. It is our commitment to provide the enabling environment that will help all our students achieve academic success.

Underpinning our WWS is a commitment to “the STADIO Way”, a commitment to our Values and their associated behaviour standards:

Our Values


We exceed our stakeholders expectations with humility, ensuring that STADIO is a trusted partner.


We are honest, transparent and respectful, always doing what is right for STADIO.


We never compromise on the STADIO minimum standards, taking accountability for, and supporting each other in striving for excellence.

People Focused

We positively impact the people we interact with.

Whistle Blowers line

The Group is committed to conducting its business with honesty, integrity and fairness, and expects all employees to maintain high standards in accordance with its policies and procedures. A culture of transparency and accountability is essential in order to prevent unlawful and unethical behaviour, and to address such behaviour it when it does occur. Accordingly, we have engaged Whistle Blowers (Pty) Ltd, to provide an Anonymous Reporting service through the Whistle Blowers Ethics Hotline



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